United States
American Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique
The U.S. organization of teachers of the Alexander Technique. Start here to find a teacher in your area.
The Complete Guide to the Alexander Technique
An online clearing house for the Alexander Technique. Lots of useful information and links to other sites.
Alexander Technique Societies Around the World
The United Kingdom
This is the original organization of teachers of the Alexander Technique, founded in England in 1958. Start here if you’re looking for a teacher in a country with no national society.
Website: www.stat.org.uk
Telephone: (+44) 0207 482 5135
Website: www.alexandertechnique.org.au
Telephone: + 61 1300 788 540
Belgium/La Belgique
Website: www.fmalexandertech.be
Website: http://abtalexander.com.br/principal.htm
Website: www.canstat.ca
Telephone: 1-877-598-8879
Website: www.dflat.dk
Telephone: +45 7025 5070
Website: www.techniquealexander.org
Telephone: +33 1 4090 0623
Website: www.alexander-technik.org
Telephone: +49 761 383357
Website: http://www.alexander.org.il/
The Netherlands/Nederland
Website: www.alexandertechniek.nl
Telephone: + 31 06 305 333 36
New Zealand
Website: www.alexandertechnique.org.nz
Telephone: 64 09 534 5239
South Africa
Website: http://www.alexandertechnique.org.za/
Telephone: +27 (011) 609 8374
Switzerland/Die Schweiz
Website: www.alexandertechnik.ch
Telephone: +41 44 201 03 43